Sunday, September 4, 2011


It's the big day - I just turned 25! Here are some serious (and not so serious) lessons I've learned over the years! 

25 Things I’ve Learned in my 25 Years:

  1. Embrace bedtime. Sleep in your best friend. Close your eyes and enjoy every second before you fall asleep just ‘being.’
  2. Bloody Mary’s aren’t a universal hangover cure. In fact, they might just make your hangover worse.
  3. The music your parents listened to in the car when you were a kid (you know, those songs you always rolled your eyes at), well, they’re pretty cool. And they even make it onto your iPod.
  4. It’s okay that you don’t have the courage to get a tattoo. The fact that you have one in your mind makes you just as badass.
  5. Acne just doesn’t go away. Clean & Clear is always your best friend.
  6. Always iron your clothes (even if it is done a little obsessively.)
  7. Fad diets really don’t work. But counting calories does.
  8. Forget counting calories. It’s okay to indulge sometimes.
  9. If you’re in a bad mood, don’t put on sweatpants. They only make you feel worse.
  10. $4 hair dye still does wonders (terrible, frizzy wonders).
  11. One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor – truer words have not been spoken.
  12. QVC is not just for your mother (Isaac Mizrahi, Rachel Zoe, & Bare Escentuals, oh my!)
  13. You might not look like Avril Lavigne anymore, but at least you didn’t have to tattoo your signature onto your boyfriend’s arm.
  14. Chuck Taylor’s never go out of style.
  15. You’re not too old for a crazy night out with friends (okay, maybe it ends at midnight and not 4am, but it’s still a good time!)
  16. Your family might drive you crazy, but you drive them crazy too. No matter what, they don’t leave your side during tough times, so don’t leave theirs.
  17. Christmas music is always allowed. Even in the summer.
  18. Bad decisions are inevitable. You’re allowed to make them as long as you learn from them.
  19. A lot of people like to call you their friend. Be careful-they define the word loosely.
  20. You can be frustrated. You can cry. Just don’t whine. Whining leads to inaction and that never solved a problem.
  21. It’s not always the end of the world.
  22. What was a fight with your boyfriend this morning is often not a fight with your boyfriend this evening. A few hours to clear your head can do wonders.
  23. Treat yourself to a luxury once in awhile. C’mon, you know you work too hard not to get those shoes in Nordstrom!
  24. There’s no greater bond than that of sisters.
  25. Sometimes, you just have to say “it is what it is.”

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